Monday, September 1, 2008

93 days walking in Grace

Photo by Thori Brewer copyright 2008

We are blessed with a new beginning each morning.

Take a moment to breath in and prepare your self for the day.

Give your worries and cares to God, trust him to help you through, what ever this day brings.

Feel the simple joy and peace of being alive. Hold it in your heart like a treasure and let no one take it from you.

Remember, God is with you always. He is patiently waiting for you to ask for his help. He will take away your dread, carry your burdens and help you to find peace, if you will only let him. He will not do it your way.

Many of us gave our heart to God as children but never really understood how to give our lives over to his will. I am one of "those folk" who has struggled to find her way. For nearly 30 years since I ask Jesus into my heart, I have been struggling, dragging a lifetime of pain, grief, and baggage along behind me, trying to find my purpose in life.

93 days ago I came to the end of my rope and near the end of my sanity. I was hurt and I was angry, oh was I angry. I knew things had to change and the only thing I might possibly have the power to change was me. I knew this because I had tried to change everything else and failed miserably!

I did not want to go back to church. A huge portion of the anger and hurt I was carrying around was from my last church and many years in christian schools. I still had a huge chip on my shoulder but I was desperate. The only thing I knew for sure was my way was not working, at all.

I was still very angry with God when I finally cried out to him, I give up, if you want me to go back to church, please just sent me to the right one for me.

I was angry but it was the beginning of my letting go process. Strangely enough, as I became willing, I began to be led to teachers and preachers and books to help me reclaim my life.

I now joke that, while my friends have found good churches, that I was led to television teachers and preachers and books because God knew that I would have to be nourished every day, to stay focused on living in His will.

Make no mistake, giving in to Gods will is a process and not always an easy one. Finding peace is easy compared to trying keep it in a busy, frustrating, unforgiving and negative world. If you don't believe me just try to get through a day without complaining, venting, making negative statements, dread, fear or anger. Make the decision to be happy and peaceful no matter what happens and for the first time you are in control of your emotion, rather than them controlling you. You are acting rather than reacting.

Forgive yourself when you fail and keep trying because it becomes a great way to live.

Peace and Blessings,

Thori Inspired
Day 94